I’m David, and Coffee and Rakija is a weekly newsletter about my life and experiences in a rural village in North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina. I’ll be giving you a unique look, through the eyes of an immigrant (me), of this much misunderstood country. My goal is to replace the many negative perceptions of both the country and its people, that you’ll be served by international media outlets. Thank you so much for dropping by.
The Update.
Hello from across the Atlantic!
For the next two weeks, I’m stepping away from my usual life in Bosnia and Herzegovina to spend time with family in Maplewood, New Jersey.
It’s been nearly two years since I last saw my youngest daughter, son-in-law, and my grandsons, Jack and Noah, so this visit is long overdue.
With both boys celebrating birthdays while I’m here, it’s the perfect opportunity to reconnect, enjoy some family time, and, of course, experience life in a very different setting from my quiet village in Bosnia.
New Jersey is a stark contrast to home, thats for sure.
Life in the US is a lot busier I have to say, although the streets where my family are quiet and very cute (can I say that?), indeed.
An entirely different rhythm of life.
This newsletter will return to a regular posting schedule from Sunday 2nd of February.
In the meantime my focus will be with catching up, and, fingers crossed, making some Bosnian dishes for evening meals. Fingers crossed!
Beyond the trip itself, I’m also using this time to develop a new podcast series called ‘Unfiltered’, with more open, unscripted reflections on life, travel, and whatever else crosses my mind.
More on that soon!
By the Way, for those that like video content here’s my latest post, recorded here in New Jersey.
Thank You for Being Here
If you’ve read this far, thank you. Your support means the world to me, whether it’s a comment, a subscription, or just taking the time to read what I share.
If you’re interested in supporting me but not through a paid Substack Subscription, Check out Buy Me a Coffee or Patreon.
And, I’d be thrilled if you’d check out my recently launched YouTube channel. It’s not about chasing numbers anymore; it’s about connecting with people who get it, who understand the joys and challenges of this phase of life, that I find myself in (over 70).
Until next week.
Videmo se opet (I’ll see you again soon).
Great hat!
Looks like a fantastic trip xxx